Popular Port-Harcourt 419 Pastor On The Run From Police – Wanted for $15 million fraud, cheating and forgery

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 30 Juni 2013 0 komentar

 The last  is  yet  to  be  heard of  the  controversial Port-Harcourt  based  pastor  Apostle  Eugene  Ogu , the founder  and  General  Overseer of  Abundant Life Evangelical Ministry  (  ALEM  Embassy Church) who  has  been dragged  to  the Economic and Financial Crimes  Commission (EFCC)  and  police by  his  estranged Europe  based business partners  represented  by   their Director  for  Africa ,  Engr. Larry Obasi  , a Nigerian in diaspora who has  lived  in the Czech Republic  for over 24years.. Read more in Global News Magazine

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California gay marriage case couple wed an hour after verdict

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 29 Juni 2013 0 komentar

The winners in the US Supreme Court case that overturned California’s same-sex marriage ban tied the knot at San Francisco City Hall yesterday, about an hour after a federal appeals court freed same-sex couples to obtain marriage licences for the first time in four years.

State Attorney General Kamala Harris presided at the wedding of Kris Perry, 48, and Sandy Stier, 50, as hundreds of supporters looked on and cheered.

The couple sued to overturn the state’s voter-approved gay marriage ban along with Jeff Katami and Paul Zarrillo, who planned to marry yesterday evening at Los Angeles City Hall.

“By joining the case against Proposition 8, they represented thousands of couples like themselves in their fight for marriage equality,” Ms Harris, who had asked the appeals court to act swiftly, said during the brief ceremony.

“Through the ups and downs, the struggles and the triumphs, they came out victorious.”

She declared them “spouses for life”, but during their vows, they took each other as “lawfully wedded wife”. One of their twin sons served as ring-bearer.

Although the couple have fought for the right to wed for years, their wedding came after a three-judge panel of the US Court of Appeals issued a brief order yesterday afternoon dissolving, “effective immediately”, a stay it imposed on gay marriages while the lawsuit challenging the ban advanced through the courts.

Sponsors of California’s same-sex marriage ban called the appeals court’s swift action “outrageous”.

Andy Pugno, for a coalition of religious conservative groups that sponsored Proposition 8, said: “The resumption of same-sex marriage this day has been obtained by illegitimate means.

“If our opponents rejoice in achieving their goal in a dishonourable fashion, they should be ashamed.

“It remains to be seen whether the fight can go on, but either way, it is a disgraceful day for California.”

The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 on Wednesday that Proposition 8’s sponsors lacked authority to defend the measure in court once Ms Harris and Governor Jerry Brown, both Democrats, refused to do so.

The decision lets stand a trial judge’s declaration that the ban, approved by voters in November 2008, violates the civil rights of gay Californians and cannot be enforced.

Under Supreme Court rules, the losing side in a legal dispute has 25 days to ask the high court to rehear the case. The court said earlier this week that it would not finalise its ruling in the Proposition 8 case until after that time had elapsed.

It was not immediately clear whether the appeals court’s action would be halted by the high court, but Mr Brown directed California counties to start performing same-sex marriages immediately in the wake of it.

A memo from his Department of Public Health said “same-sex marriage is again legal in California” and ordered county clerks to resume issuing marriage licenses to gay couples.

Given that word did not come down from the appeals court until mid-afternoon, most counties were not prepared to stay open late to accommodate potential crowds. The clerks in a few counties announced that they would stay open a few hours later yesterday.

A jubilant San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee announced that same-sex couples would be able to marry all weekend in his city, which is hosting its annual gay pride celebration this weekend.

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Nigerian law is against our fundamental rights – Gays -

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

The number of homosexuals in Nigeria seems to be on the rise, which explains why the National Assembly recently passed a bill prohibiting the act and sentencing defaulters to a 14-year jail term.
Little wonder some Nigerians took to the streets protesting what they termed “Anti-gay practice” and infringement of their fundamental human rights. Amongst them was 22-year old Ahmed, who dubbed members of the Senate “species who spend their precious time on irrelevant issues” in his tweet.
Ahmed says he had his first homosexual experience when he was 15 years old: “I discovered that I am more attracted to the same sex individual than the female folk. So, any government that would not allow me to exercise my fundamental rights is not a responsible government.”
At present, some homosexuals converge on a secret gay club in Lagos. A recent investigation by a BBC reporter revealed that some of the men always dress like females. They wear wigs and take a quick glance at their pocket mirrors, before adjusting their tight-fitting red dresses.
In 2006, one Reverend Rowland Macaulay set up House of Rainbow, a homosexual church,  at No 36/38 Yakoyo street, Ojodu Berger, Lagos.His members were only men who worshiped as brethren and lovers.
It would be recalled that in 2008, Saturday Vanguard reported that he was initiating new members into the gay club and at same time running the church secretly in Nigeria. He was also reported to have appeared sometime ago on Cable News Network, CNN, where he proudly talked about his gay church.
The initial reaction which greeted his exposure created doubts in the minds of Nigerians over the existence of such a church on their shores. But an uproar in the Anglican communion in Europe on gay bishops once again brought the case of Reverend Rowland to the fore.
However, when the Saturday Vanguard visited his residence at plot 145, flat 1, Jakande estate, Isolo, Lagos, his apartment was under lock and key.
It was learnt that the gay pastor vacated his home when he read the story of his clandestine activities in a national newspaper. He is currently running his church in London and some other African countries including Kenya, South African, Uganda, among others.
Kunle (not real name), a gay man living in Lagos, is outraged by the proposed law: “How does a government think that sending someone to prison would change his or her sexual orientation?
One of Nigeria’s few openly gay human rights activists, Rashidi Williams, notes that the bill seeks to ban something which is already illegal and which no one is publicly advocating. For him, repealing the repressive laws in this country will go a long way.”
Meanwhile, the recent Anti-Gay law might constrain some gay Nigerians to seek asylum in countries where the practice is accepted, while others will have to go underground. At the gay club, for instance, no one is allowed to take any photos despite the free atmosphere.
The fear of being identified as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender in a country where the public still turns to mob justice haunts some here. And that is a huge concern for Richard (not his real name): “If you don’t become discreet and try to hide yourself, even the man on the street will want to also act on the bill because it has been passed.
“If you’re walking on the street and he stones you, he knows the law would stand for him because the law is against you.”
Recent investigations revealed that Nigerian LGBT’s in Diaspora held a rally outside Nigerian Embassy in London, UK to mark the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia. The rally was on the theme: “We Are Family- Freedom to Love for all Nigerians”.
Speakers shared personal stories and experiences of Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia and a letter was delivered to officials of the Nigerian High Commission.
A former student activist of the OAU, Ile-Ife, Yemisi Ilesanmi, led the protest. She said a position paper on the Anti-Same Sex Marriage bill currently pending before the Nigerian legislature had already been sent to the Nigerian Legislative organ and the Executive.
However, those who spoke against the practice are of the opinion that the homosexuality is not part of Nigerian culture and that it is a sin against God.
A lawyer, Ebun Adegboruwa, explained that, “Every law must reflect the cultural dimensions of the society that constitutes the primary constituency of the said law. There is no culture or tribe in Nigeria presently, that endorses same sex marriage. It still remains a cultural taboo in all climes in this country.
“Similarly, virtually all religions in Nigeria prohibit same sex marriage. So in promulgating the anti gay law, the National Assembly is only reflecting the cultural pattern of Nigeria and indeed our spiritual inclinations. It is thus a welcome idea, to prohibit same sex marriage, in Nigeria.
“Furthermore, in Nigeria presently, both the criminal law and indeed the Marriage Act, prohibit same sex marriage. Thus, the law being promulgated by the National Assembly is not the first legislation on same sex prohibition. It has been part of our existence as a nation, to abhor un-natural affections between man and man and woman and woman.
“But those who are protesting are equally exercising their rights to freedom of expression under section 39 of the 1999 Constitution. However, since both chambers of the National Assembly have now passed the Bill, the option open to the protesters is to take their grievance to court, as expected in any democratic environment, governed by the rule of law. I therefore urge the President to assent to the Bill, without further delay, as it is a reflection of the wish of the people of Nigeria.”
But Dr Abiola Akiyode opposed that the bill. She said, “I believe the entire law on same sex violates the rights of the individual to decide freely on his or her private life, and also the right to make a choice about one’s life and what you want to do with it to be fulfilled as a human being.
“The government is a busy body in this instance; after all, they left more important issues worthy of legislation like violence against women legislation and other critical matters affecting Nigeria. Rather, they are poke-nosing in people’s private matters. A review of the law shows that it is largely defective and poses dangers to all whether you are straight or not.”
For Joei Odumakin, “Application of the Bill as passed by the National Assembly is that its contents are at variance which certain laws that are already enshrined in the constitution of Nigeria. This is a key issue that is expected to be considered in order to avoid a situation whereby our laws may be running on parallel lines under a single system.
“They are such clauses in the Bill which are likely to become instruments in the hands of the state to victimize certain individuals or groups in the long run if critically analyzed.
- See more at: http://www.vanguardngr.com/2013/06/nigerian-law-is-against-our-fundamental-rights-gays/#sthash.vViBXdaU.dpuf

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“If you can’t find me with marijuana, slow down on your assumptions” – Tonto Dikeh

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

As the alleged pictures of hemp displayed by Tonto Dike in the social media continues to generate buzz and gossips, the controversial screen diva has condemned those spreading the rumour without due confirmation, saying, the story was made up, based on some assumptions.
In a release made available to DailyPost, Dike had said that those photos did not originate from her, as they were originally sent to her instagram page on her birthday. She denied that those pictures were real, arguing that they were mere birthday designs made by a fan, which she responded with a “thank you” message.Tonto stressed that in as much as she would have loved to remain mum over the matter, the magnitude of the rumour called for some clarification.
She said “As much as I would like to ignore the current issue on hemp, I think I owe well-meaning people some clarification. It is so easy the misconception that can come from a picture- the genius of technology. If you cannot find me holding a wrap of marijuana then you may want to slow down on your assumptions. We shouldn’t use our platforms to spread half-truths
“A fan wrote those words with herbs on my birthday on instagram, and I replied: “Thank you #teampoko”. Now, how does someone else’s action become my crime?” She asked.In justifying her earlier post that she smokes ganja and weed while her haters smoke her gossip, she said ” If I said those words (‘Mi smoke ganja, mi smoke weed, while my hatez smoke ma gossip’ ) I will stand by them, but I didn’t, and just because it is convenient for people to believe the lies, still doesn’t make it the truth. The whole thing is falsified by people who just love to have fun at other’s expense” She condemned.
Stressing that the current pictures being circulated were falsified and not like the original one sent to her instagram page, she said “Let’s put some thought to some of the things we write. Don’t do cut-and-paste. The original pictures are there to see; but no! That is too boring to be the truth. We want the truth to be nasty and spicy for our enjoyment, even if it is a pack of lies. Visit my instagram page and see if the original picture is the same as the ones being circulated.
She affirmed that she is head strong and won’t let anything deter her, “Personally, I have moved on to more significant things, and I want you to join me. Do you know how many women suffer domestic violence in Nigeria? What can be done to stop it? Shouldn’t we try to revive the Nigerian homes, so we can groom happy and confident children? I am putting the weight of my voice behind domestic violence. What about you?
“Stop hitting, slapping, cursing, hurting your partner! Where is the love? Let’s restore the dignity of the society with the platform given to us by God. Use that platform of yours to build awareness for more important issues. She concluded.
Meanwhile, DailyPost had reported earlier that the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, NDLEA, had said on Friday that it would investigate the act.
Most analysts have said that Dike’s latest reaction to the tittle-tattle may have come as a result of the recent threat by NDLEA, just to dissuade them from further investigation on the matter.

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My Internet Ghost

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Do I believe in ghosts? Maybe.

I definitely think that when some people go, there are things left unresolved, an energy that lingers long after they are gone.

If you don't believe in ghosts and are completely sure they are imaginary, then I dare you to get locked in the boiler room of the Queen Mary alone at night. That actually happened to a friend and I, when we were there for a haunted house on Halloween one year. Somehow we got separated from the rest of the group and ended up somewhere we weren't supposed to be.

I don't recommend doing that on accident, by the way.

I've had a few very vivid dreams of my Dad since his death, the kind where you wake up and are totally convinced that whatever just happened was real. In one of them, he was warning me that something was going to happen, and that thing he warned me about actually happened the next day. There was an urgency in his message, such a forced communication that I woke up drenched in sweat and crying.

If it wasn't something that I had accurately been warned of the night before, I could just dismiss it as a dream and nothing more.

Then there are all the times that something happens. The song, the silver Camaro, the heart in the sky. Sometimes they all happen at once, and I become overwhelmed because those are the times when I need them the most.

I never used to believe in signs until I started to see them around me.

Does that mean he's a ghost? I don't think so, per se, but I think there's pieces of him still here sometimes.

Through the strange magic of the Internet, he's still here too. Literally.

He's over there ====>

He was the 20th follower on the blog. He had to create a gmail account just to follow me, and for anyone who understands my father's limited understanding of technology, it was a big deal. Except he didn't tell me he was doing it. He didn't ask me what he needed to do to follow me, or how to set up a gmail account, he just did it and appeared in my sidebar one morning.

He read everything I wrote from that moment forward.

He was the one who made me believe I was a writer.

If a day passed when I hadn't written, he'd call to make sure everything was okay. He didn't just read the posts, he read them. He figured out what I meant when I was being elusive and cryptic. He saw through the humor and wondered if I was alright. He could feel my worries and concerns, from a thousand miles away through a computer screen.

He's still there.

He's still there because when you die, you live on forever on the Internet. His email accounts, his Facebook page, all of it, his personal property.  I alerted Facebook of his death over two years ago They were supposed to somehow change the account after confirming he was gone so that he doesn't show up in searches anymore and people can't friend request him, but I don't actually know if that was done....because Facebook can't tell me anything about his account.

Every once in a while, I still click on him.

His profile picture was one of him and my mom with my four kids, on the steps of my house the day that my son was baptized. It was the last picture I would ever have of him here.

yes, the oldest is giving
his sister bunny ears.
It was the last time he would visit. The last time I would sit with him in my kitchen and drink coffee. A year after that date, we were on our way to see him in California, just weeks after he was diagnosed.

I wonder sometimes if it's better not to know when a time like that will be the last.

I just know that I miss him, even if, in a strange virtual way, a piece of him is still here, cheering me on from the sidebar.

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3rd Annual 30 Day Photo Challenge ~ Day 30 ~ Love

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I planned this day in the challenge, not realizing that half of my family would be gone all this week, so I'm going to have to share an old picture.

Any picture of my Dad will forever have to be an old one, as he no longer occupies this world with us anymore.

This is a picture of him and my oldest, his first grandchild.

The baby none of us ever thought we would be able to have.

The baby that helped heal us all after the loss of the first one.

The baby who came after a year filled with the losses of my father's brother and mother.

Dad was a little nervous around him when he was first born because he was a preemie, but once he got a little more sturdy, he'd hold my son like this until he fell asleep.

If only we could grab pieces of time back, just for a moment...

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WONDERS-As Snake Swallow Goat In Abuja(photos)

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 28 Juni 2013 0 komentar

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UN Human Right's chief condemns Nigeria's anti gay bill

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, has condemned Nigeria's same-sex marriage bill which sets prison terms of up to 14 years.
The bill, which was approved by Nigeria's lawmakers last month but has yet to be signed into law by President Goodluck Jonathan, also states that any person involved in gay clubs or organisations "shall be liable to a term of 10 years imprisonment."
It is already illegal to have gay sex in the country and homosexuals say they often suffer abuse.
Navi Pillay was taking questions from around the world on the BBC's World Have Your Say programme.SEE MORE

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Jay Z talks about illuminati & calls religion a destructive force to humanity

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Rap Mogul-Jay-Z is hitting back at those who claim he is part of a secret cult-Illuminati. In his new song “Heaven,” Hov raps about his thoughts on religion and the nutty haters tho think he had to sign his soul over the devil to gain power.

On the song, Jay-Z talks about a conspiracy theorist who say he doesn’t believe human beings can work hard to attain wealth, but blame it all on joining the Illuminati and secret shady organizations that run the world.
In the same song, Hov raps about how he thinks religion separates rather then unifies. He adds that people should question certain aspects of religion and God, since some elements of it may cause destruction to the human race and way of life.
What do you think of this post?

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3rd Annual 30 Day Photo Challenge ~ Day 29 ~ Something New

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I'm taking this prompt in a direction even I didn't intend it today. This is supposed to be a fairly literal prompt, but I'm not being literal.

This is my husband and I, celebrating our anniversary a few weeks ago. Though nothing about our relationship is new, everything is.

And that's pretty freaking amazing.

To second chances, and new beginnings.

I love this guy.

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When Did This Happen???

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Of all the things I have realized about parenting in the last few months, one of the most significant is this:

Having survived a son on the brink of puberty has not at all prepared me for having daughters on the brink of puberty.

There are certainly things that they have in common, yes.

They're weird.

They smell funny.

Most of the time they vacillate between being toddlers and strange, small adults, never staying on one side for long.

They whine. OH THE WHINING.

They desperately want independence but none of the accompanying responsibility.

They test boundaries. All.The.Time.

They eat as much as professional athletes. 

They outgrow their clothing and shoes every two weeks.

Since my son has been firmly in this weird in-between stage for a while now, I'm used to dealing with the boy stuff. He tells me he's out of deodorant the day he runs out. I have to remind him to put pants on. I have learned to shield my eyes whenever I open his door because I never know what's on the other side. He has discovered girls and figured out that little sisters aren't so annoying when they have cute friends. He's goofy and loves to hang out with the kids who understand goofiness. He's forgetful and scatterbrained. 

Then the girls edged closer to this time of transition. And closer. And closer.

I've said for years that I feared they would hit puberty very near one another even though they are two years apart. The day of reckoning is soon upon us.

A few months ago, I was downloading pictures of the older one and saw it. The shadow. The OHMYGOD we need to go shopping for foundation garments shadow.

Then this week we went to the pool and I had that holy crap moment. You know, when you realize that you're the mom of the girl at the pool with the body and she's in the bikini and you have no freaking clue when this happened. 


I bought her Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret about a month ago. 

Then curled up in the fetal position and cried. 

When did this happen?

I even re-read it to make sure it was as I remembered, and it was. In all it's glory. 

Shh. You know you did your exercises while chanting we must increase our busts

Good lord. 

When did this happen???

She wants to shave her legs. She takes showers without me asking forcing her to anymore. She wears deodorant because she doesn't want to stink. 

She doesn't wear clothes. She builds outfits. She has been known to hyperventilate over missing pieces.

She sings. Constantly. She sings to her friends on Skype. She sings in the bathroom. All the time.

She just spent the better part of an hour begging me to let her cut bangs. AN HOUR of flat our freaking out about hair. I had to talk her off the ledge, literally. About bangs.

Her sister is right behind her, and they already either love each other or hate each other. There is nothing in the middle....and they haven't even discovered boys yet. 

Puberty can suck it.

I can't promise we'll all make it through to the other side, but at least a few of us should survive.

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president calls on African governments to give gay people equal rights.

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 27 Juni 2013 0 komentar

US President Barack Obama has called on African governments to give gay people equal rights by decriminalising homosexual acts.
Mr Obama made the comments in Senegal after meeting President Macky Sall on the first leg of his African tour.
Mr Sall said Senegal was a "very tolerant" country but it was "not ready to decriminalise homosexuality".
Homosexual acts are still a crime in 38 African countries, where most people hold conservative religious views.
In 2011, the US and UK hinted that they could withdraw aid from countries which did not respect gay rights.
Mr Obama said at a news conference that the issue did not come up in his discussions with Mr Sall.
'Not homophobic'

Start Quote

It [Senegal] is moving in the right direction with reforms to deepen democratic institutions”
Barack ObamaUS President
Nevertheless, he believed that while different customs and religions should be respected, the law should treat everybody equally, he said.
Mr Obama welcomed the US Supreme Court's decision on Wednesday to strike down a law that denied the recognition of same-sex marriages.
The ruling was a "victory for American democracy and a proud day for equal rights", he said
Mr Sall said Senegal was still not ready to change its laws, but that "does not mean we are homophobic''.
This is Mr Obama's third visit to Africa since he became president in 2008.
He is also due to travel to South Africa and Tanzania.
Africa had made "amazing" strides in achieving democracy, Mr Obama said.
Senegal, a mainly Muslim country which has never been hit by a coup, was one of America's "strongest partners" on the continent, he added.
"It's moving in the right direction with reforms to deepen democratic institutions and as more Africans across this continent stand up and demand governments that are accountable and serve the people, I believe Senegal can be a great example," Mr Obama said.Mr Obama, along with his wife Michelle and children, is due to travel by ferry to Senegal's Goree Island, a memorial to Africans who were caught up in the Atlantic slave trade.
The visit is expected to be emotional because Mr Obama is the son of an African and Michelle Obama is a descendant of slaves, correspondents say.
"A visit like this by an American president, any American president, is powerful," said White House spokesman Jay Carney.
"I think that will be the case when President Obama visits and I'm sure particularly so, given that he is African American."
On Sunday, Mr Obama is expected to visit Robben Island, where South Africa's first black president Nelson Mandela was jailed for 18 of the 27 years he spent in prison, on the second However, it is unclear whether the visit will take place because of Mr Mandela's deteriorating health, correspondents say.
Mr Obama is due to end his African tour with a visit to Tanzania, where he will pay his respects at a memorial outside the US embassy in the main city, Dar es Salaam, in honour of 11 people killed in a bombing by al-Qaeda in 1998.
He has excluded from his itinerary Kenya, where his father was born, and Nigeria, Africa's biggest oil producer which has been hit by an Islamist insurgency.
US officials reportedly said the indictment of Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta at the International Criminal Court on charges of fuelling violence after the 2007 election, which he denies, made it politically impossible for Mr Obama to visit the country.

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Why We Should All Be Worried About The VRA and Texas

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
The last 48 hours or so have been eventful ones in this country, indicative of the volatile times we live in, the issues that affect so many of us personally, of the oppressive nature of the established government machine.

Almost exactly 48 hours ago, the Supreme Court struck down the provisions of the Voting Rights Act that determined which states had to satisfy a higher level of scrutiny in their voting procedures. The VRA passed in 1965 with an overwhelming majority in both the House and Senate in the thick of the civil rights movement. It was impossible to dispute the tensions in certain areas of the country at the time.

The narrow majority of the court did away with it, claiming that things are just different now. We have a black President, so racism is dead, right? Hardly. In the 48 hours since the law was struck down, 6 of the 9 states formerly included in the provisions have moved forward with voting restrictions. 

In 48 hours.

Race relations may no longer routinely involve lynchings and fire hoses being turned on crowds, but just because it lays just beneath the surface of that doesn't mean it's gone away. In fact, these days, it's not just the black population dealing with voting suppression and racism more broadly. Muslims (and anyone that looks like they might be) and Spanish speakers are two highly targeted populations now as well. Did you know that the NYPD actually has a Muslim surveillance program? I wish I was kidding.

The court labors under the illusion that it's all good. That those tasked with election commissions will only be fair and just and right. That racism won't affect voting laws, unless Congress decides it will, which we all know that Congress will never do.

The court declared progress that doesn't exist here, and struck down a law that passed with overwhelming support, one that still obviously needs to be in place because of the events surrounding the most recent election.

The following day, those same justices, the ones who justified their decision because it was an outdated law that no longer was relevant, argued precisely the opposite in their dissent for the DOMA case. There is no logical basis for this disconnect, for this inconsistency, other than to say simply that these justices believe racism is dead and that equal rights are not necessary. Thomas in particular baffles my mind. A man who wouldn't sit where he does without the civil rights movement's existence, a man who wouldn't be allowed to marry the woman he did without the court's intervention and redefinition of marriage in the past, voted to do away with the protections of still-oppressed minorities and refused to look in the mirror about his own marriage.

Between those two huge days on the Court, something else happened down in Texas. Something big.

During a special session of the state legislature, on the last day of the session, Sen. Wendy Davis staged a filibuster to prevent a vote on a very restrictive abortion bill that would have effectively closed most of the clinics in the state. The white, male, conservative majority of the Senate was beside themselves. They fought the filibuster with procedural rules and objections, the prohibited her from leaning, from using the bathroom, from pausing at all.

This woman is a hero.
The world needs more women like her.
She was admonished for having help to put on a back brace when forced to stand. She was yelled at, harassed, interrupted.

With 15 minutes left in the session, she was stopped and they attempted to force a vote. Chaos broke out in the chamber. The vote was put through minutes after midnight, the Republicans declared victory, then manually changed the timestamp on the vote so that it appeared to have been completed before the session had legally ended.

They forgot the session was being streamed online live and that 700,000 people were now watching in support of Sen. Davis. They didn't realize that screenshots were being captured of the true time. They thought they could bully her, break their own rules, and sneak in a bill that has been illegally passed.

CNN was talking about muffins.

None of the major news networks carried any of this. CSPAN wasn't even streaming it. The chamber cameras cut off at some point in the confusion and the world watched it unfold through hand held cell phone cameras being held by protesters like Christopher Dido, sent there on Twitter by Wil Wheaton.

The AP reported the bill had passed shortly after midnight, never bothering to check the sources and see what was actually happening. The major news networks followed their lead, reporting the bill had passed, then correcting themselves when the Lt. Gov. declared it had died, but never explaining why that all happened.

Those of us who were watching know what took place in Texas. We saw the gross miscarriage of justice.

Not only should those elected officials be ashamed of themselves, the media should as well. I shouldn't get my news from TV celebrities and protesters, and neither should you.

There is a petition to open an investigation about the timestamp alterations, which you can sign here. 

Gov. Rick Perry has already said he intends to call a second special session to re-vote on the bill.

These men, these misogynists, they can't just take their toys and go home when they lose. No...they seem hellbent on forcing this issue over and over and over again, they seem so sure that they should be able to tell women what they can do with their bodies.

When is enough, enough?

I've had enough. What about you?

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3rd Annual 30 Day Photo Challenge ~ Day 28 ~ Something Old

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
This is one of my favorite themes in the photo challenges because people inevitably share not just an item, but a piece of their own personal histories.

My grandmother loved shoes, handbags and pretty things. This is one of the ornate baubles that rested on her chest of drawers. Now, it rests on mine.

I miss her.

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100 Word Song ~ I think it's gonna rain today

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 26 Juni 2013 0 komentar
This is the first time I've ever attempted song lyrics, so forgive me if it's atrocious. I was tagged by Lance over at My Blog Can Beat Up You Blog to do this. It's his fault.

This is based on Bobby Darin's I think it's gonna rain today.

Can you smell it coming in the air?
Earth shifts beneath our feet.
I don't want your church or prayer.
Stop playing that drum beat.

Time's come, change is near. 
The rain will come today. 
Let it wash away this tear. 
Because I was made this way. 

Go on and preach that I've sinned. 
It's no choice, you see. 
The laws you wrote they will rescind. 
Unequal can't be free. 

Put down the shield, embrace love. 
Rain comes around the bend. 
This day the one they'll write of. 
Laws based in hate must end.

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Why China and Russia Banned Google From Their Country? – Must Read

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

If your daughter is pregnant, Google will know it before you do.
If your boyfriend has a STD (Sexually transmitted diseases) Google will know it before you do. If a country is planning to build a new bridge or a railroad, Google knows about the project well before anyone else. If a company is looking for new partners abroad, Google will know about the project detail long before anyone else. If a group of activists is preparing a street protest, Google will know about the plan long before the local authorities will ever heard about it.

How is that possible, you may ask.
Simple. The first thing people do nowadays when they have an issue is to search it on the Internet using a search engine like Google.
Google records all your search keywords, but also use about 19 different checkpoints to make sure the search is tied to one single computer and one single person. If you have a Gmail account or Youtube account, you make thing much easier for Google.
How does it work?
If your teenager-daughter has her first menstruation, and want to know more about how to deal with it, she will go to Google to conduct a search. Now Google knows that your daughter has her first menstruation, before you’ll ever know.
If your girlfriend missed her menstruation for several days this month, and she is wondering if she got pregnant, she will go to Google and type something like “how to know if I’m pregnant”. From that moment,  Google knows that your girlfriend has missed her menstruation and possibly pregnant.

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Cossy Orjiakor Put Up Her Breast For Sale In Bayelsa

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
You know, just like Tonto Dikeh, Cossy is also a Nollywood actress turned singer.
So during the weekend, Cossy was in Bayelsa, at the Rch Park Hotel, where she performed her songs during the Blue Chance Fashion Show.
As the show warmed up, so did Cossy's "orange"ies, for her fans' viewing pleasure. She is pictured above with Benita Nzeribe and Eedris Abdulkareem.
More pics after the cut.

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Boko Haram Leader is Not a Nigerian; Shekau is from Niger Republic

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
The leader of the Boko Haram sect Imam Abubakar Shekau hails from Niger Republic, according to the report of a Senate joint committee that investigated the deadly violence in Baga town of Borno State in April.
Shekau is widely believed to be from Shekau village of Yobe State, but the Senate committee in its report submitted yesterday said Borno State Governor Kashim Shettima told visiting senators that the man was actually from the neighbouring Republic of Niger.

The report, a copy obtained by Daily Trust, said senators were told that “although the Boko Haram sect members have some Chadians and Cameroonians within their midst about 80 per cent of them are of Kanuri tribe, adding that the leader of the sect Abubakar Shekau is a Kanuri from Niger Republic.”
Shekau became leader of the group in 2009 following the death in police custody of erstwhile leader Mohammed Yusuf.
He is believed to have spearheaded the regrouping of the sect, which quickly graduated from conducting targeted drive-by shootings in Maiduguri to launching massive bomb assaults in Abuja, Kano, Kaduna and other places in the North.


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Junaid Muhammad Blasts ‘Illiterate’ Patience Jonathan For Role In Rivers Crisis, Issues Dire Warning About 2015 Elections

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Well-known political critic, Junaid Muhammad, has called fresh attention to recent developments in the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) at the national level, warning that they are snowballing into a full blown governmental and security crises in Rivers State.

And he brought the First Lady under the hammer for her role in the chaos.
In a press statement issued today in Kano on Wednesday, Dr. Muhammad described Rivers as “coming to the limelight because of the irresponsible, unconstitutional and bizarre, illiterate actions, of the so called first lady Mrs. Patience Jonathan, who hails from the island village of Okrika in Rivers State and who sees not only Okrika but the whole of Rivers States, as her personal domain to exploit, abuse and destabilize as she sees fit because her husband Jonathan happens to be the president.”
He noted that the Nigerian constitution makes no provision whatsoever for the post of First Lady and confers no rights, privileges and/or responsibilities on spouses of our president or heads of governments.
“It is therefore illegal and completely ultra vires the constitution for any citizen, president or his spouse to usurp executive powers, and go about throwing their weight, as if they were legally recognized holders of such offices according to the law,” he warned.  “ As at the time of writing, the commissioner of police in Rivers, his command structure and other security services are at the command of Patience Jonathan, and by her and presidential orders, most security facilities due governor, the speaker and others so entitled, have been withdrawn. Mean-while professional thugs and all manner of criminals are being recruited and pressed into service to destabilize the elected government of Rivers State.”
Stressing that those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat its mistakes, Dr. Muhammad pointed out that current developments in the PDP and especially in Rivers State bear an uncanny resemblance to the old Western Region, which led to the collapse of the first republic, with very serious and bloody consequences. Then and now, the popularly elected leaders of those parts of the country were prevented from exercising political power and control, and the operations of the police, the army and the rump of security services were interfered with in a brazen political manner.
“The current CP Rivers, is bending over backwards to accommodate the president, his cronies and his illiterate wife, to ignore or pervert the law and the constitution and norms of decent political behavior,  to harass, intimidate Governor Rotimi Amaechi, and thus destabilize, a strategic state like Rivers. Those in the PDP who imagine that this serious and fundamental crisis can be contained by some band aid or artificial cordon sanitaire, have a shocker awaiting them,” he said.
He noted that the overriding attitude of PDP leadership, the PDP president, his cronies etc. is an open invitation to anarchy, for his party, his tottering crisis prone government and most unfortunately for Nigeria.
“The preponderance of the PDP in the governing processes is a clear and present danger to democracy,” the statement said.  “Add to that the dictatorial proclivities of the party leadership and penchant for hand picking illiterates and corrupt thugs into key and sensitive positions; you have the making of an inevitable disaster.”
Dr. Muhammad stressed that the latest developments throw into doubt the very possibilities of elections in 2015, those elections being the very reason for the desperate manouvres now being undertaken.
“If the de-facto commander–in-chief, the de-facto defence Minister and army commander Gen. Ihejirika who is an in-law to Patience [Jonathan], and his police and S.S.S. counterparts, are behaving in openly political partisan manner as heads of Jonathan’s personal militia, it goes without saying that Jega’s INEC will hold no elections worth the name,” he declared, calling on all Nigerians who cherish democracy to stand up and be counted.
He stressed that Rivers State and the fate of its governor must be of enormous concern to all democrats and patriots, pointing out that within Rivers State and beyond it, evil thrives when good and decent people take their eyes off the ball or pretend it is of no concern to them or is unrelated to neighborhoods.
“Personally I do not know and have never met Gov. Rotimi Amaechi in person, in Port Harcourt or anywhere else on earth,” he declared.  “I have not been to Rivers State since the expiry of my national service in the defunct OMPADEC (now NDDC) in 1996. I am however invested in Amaechi’s struggles because I believe democracy is the only way to govern a free people rationally, and to exercise legitimate power over a free people. If the PDP and its incompetent president treat this country like a conquered and vanquished people, they must be cured of their delusion, soonest.”


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Davido arrested in Budapest using Fake Euro

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
ust not done with the problem of sleeping with a married woman and a mother of three, Davido with his brother Adewale Adeleke and his manager Kamal Ajiboye was arrested in a club in Budapest.
He was arrested over a fake currency which he usedin paying for his drinks. Just like in Napel, David had few mins concert on the 21st andhe shook the ground as always. He performed for about 10 mins and decided to pull a Rihanna by showing up late and perform at about 5am. You remember on our last gossips, he did the same thing in Napel. This made the Nigerian born organizer, Osariemen Ekiudoko Frank angry and led to his refusal to pay Davido the balance possibly led to Davido being stranded in the strange land. According to

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What the DOMA and Prop 8 rulings mean, and what they don't

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Today is a historic one in our nation, certainly, but requires a little bit more explanation than the mainstream media tends to give.

Lucky for you all, I've been glued to the interwebs for hours already and have read all the opinions.

I will go over each case, and tell you what the effective results are. I will also tell you what these opinions do not cover, and what doors have been opened for future litigation on the subject of marriage equality.

US v. Windsor, aka the DOMA case
In this case, a lesbian couple was legally married in Canada. They lived in New York state, which recognized marriages performed in other states at the time. Upon the death of her partner,Windsor was made to pay estate taxes on the inheritance from her wife. She sued the United States government claiming that the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was unconstitutional because of the unequal treatment she received under federal tax provisions.

In the ruling today, the court struck down Section 3 of the law as unconstitutional for violating the fifth amendment's protections of due process and equal liberty.

This case says that the federal government must recognize and treat equally all marriage sanctioned by states.   It is imperative that people understand that this ruling does not create a constitutional right to marriage equality. The opinion hinged on the fact that the parties in question had a marriage legally recognized by the state of residence at the time. The court narrowly held so, based on the facts of the case.

This case implies that the federal government may be required to treat all marriages equally in relation to federal laws. How this will actually play out in real life depends on how the rest of the government reacts. Of particular interest is how, if at all, this case will affect gay marriage partners who are citizens of other nations, currently involved in deportation hearings. Will it permit gay spouses to live indefinitely in the United States as  a right associated with marriage? Only time will tell, and those will likely be some of the most immediate questions.

There are several other questions left unanswered by the opinion. This case in particular involved the tax code. Is Windsor entitled to recapture the monies paid to the IRS wrongfully? It would seem so, as that was the core of her case.  How would it affect other parties in similar situations? Are the rights conferred retroactive in any way? We don't know.

Only Section 3 was struck down in this case, leaving the rest of the law arguably in effect. Section 2 permits states to refuse to acknowledge gay marriages performed in other jurisdictions. The next logical challenge would involve this provision, as it's essentially a direct violation of the full faith and credit clause of the Constitution.

The ruling requires the federal government to treat all marriages equally, but does not require the same of the states. It does not mandate that all states allow or even acknowledge gay marriages.

This case opens the door to a great amount of uncertainty and new litigation. Congress could move to change laws, the President could issue executive orders as well in light of it all, but as with everything it seems in this country anymore, it's more likely that most of these issues will be teased out in court.

It is a step, albeit not as big a one as many think, in the right direction.

We'll also ignore, for the moment, that the same standing issue that resulted in Perry being dismissed existed here.

Hollingsworth v. Perry, aka the Prop 8 case
The California Supreme Court said there was a constitutional right to gay marriage. Marriages were performed and rights conferred. Voters then disagreed, and Prop 8 was authored, worded to not just ban gay marriage but define marriage as only between a man and a woman. It narrowly passed as an attempt to circumvent/overrule the court.

Gay couples were given rights, then had them taken away. A case decided that those married while it was legal had recognized rights still but no further marriages could be performed.

Further challenges to the law were filed. The state government refused to defend Prop 8 in court, so those who drafted it stepped in. Essentially the decision today says that if the government refuses to litigate the case, an individual cannot do so either, so the appeal was improperly granted. The parties did not have standing.

It appears that the main result of this case is to reinstate the right of gay marriage in California. There is an injunction prohibiting enforcement of Prop 8. For now at least, gay marriage is legal in California, though I am sure another challenge will be mounted (and am also sure that any challenge attempted will fail).

There is a very real possibility that some court clerks could refuse to issue marriage licenses, claiming that Prop 8 is still in effect. This would open the door to more legal challenges in the state.

The court basically decided not to decide this case, though they did say that it was to be remanded and dismissed, effectively reinstating gay marriage, but not without leaving a great many questions unanswered.

Today will go down in history, even if it takes a few more years and a lot more lawsuits to reach actual equality. Fight the good fight.

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3rd Annual 30 Day Photo Challenge ~ Day 27 ~ Low Light

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
This is one of the days in the challenge where I want you to test yourself. Push your boundaries. Play with the camera settings.

Taking pictures in low light is one of the hardest things to get good at when it comes to photography.

This picture was taken with my cell phone, of all things. To get a shot like this one, turn OFF the flash and keep a very steady hand. If you have a tripod, use it.

Here's a tutorial if you need additional help.

Good luck! This is a test!

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(video)Rawlings: Nigeria’s “Lonely Heroes,” Persecuted by “Oga’s at the Top”

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 25 Juni 2013 0 komentar
In a PremiumTimes video of a speech given by former president of Ghana, Jerry Rawlings at the  Conference On Emerging Democracies In Africa: Challenges And Opportunities, which held June 17, at the Transcorp Hilton, Abuja, Nigeria, the president went hard on corruption in Nigeria, describing a lonely battle of a few great men of Nigeria and Ghana who battle corruption while being persecuted by “oga’s at the top.”


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Lésbianism In Nollywood Is Not Going To Stop Soon – Vivian Pius

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Despite the government’s frown on the illicit affair of same s*x, and many praying and fasting to see an end to the sudden surge in lésbianism in Nigeria`s movie industry, one of the actresses in Nollywood, Vivian Pius, has confessed that lésbianism is a norm in Nollywood that is not going to stop soon.

“Lésbianism has come to stay in Nollywood. Though it exists in other industries such as banking, medical and others, that of Nollywood is more open to the public because of who we are, as a society`s role models.
It has come to be seen as a cartel where those who belong to a group find it easier getting movie roles. Some of them can even make you rich overnight beyond your expectation. Those who are in it and know their onions can tell you better.
They get the best of jobs and are richer driving in big cars and seeing at the best of places. The same thing goes for the homoséxuals.
The industry has become what many of us never dreamed of, going the way of Hollywood and other European movie industries. It is also in Alaba International Market. They control the industry. It is all about packaging. But there is still hope that those who are not patronizing them will still make it in Nollywood,”
Vivien, who was spotted on the set of Simone’s Production in Festac, Lagos said

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3rd Annual 30 Day Photo Challenge ~ Day 26 ~ Home

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
This is my happy place at home. The chairs were handmade by my father in law. I planted the hanging baskets over a month ago and haven't managed to kill them yet. The bushes are now full grown and the tree provides just the right amount of shade and seclusion. Ahhh.

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Things That Piss Me Off Tuesday ~ the sodomy, racism and you can't fix stupid edition

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I'll warn you all from the beginning...I'm in a mood. The VRA case just came down, and I'll write about that in a bit here. I need to calm down a little first, so logically I will write about sodomy.

^^^sarcasm. (Not that I think many of you will take what I say on Tuesdays literally...but you never know.)

Sodomy isn't hazing...
I can't believe I just typed that. Even harder to believe is the fact that there are plenty of people out there in the world who think it is.

So, this happened:

A 13 year old from Norwood, Colorado was bound with duct tape and sodomized with a pencil on a school bus by older kids at a wrestling tournament. The attackers, his teammates. One, the son of the coach.

Kid tells his parents, one of which is the principal of the local elementary school, and they go to the police. Word gets out. Then city folk force the principal to resign and the kid gets harassed constantly at school, the other students going so far as to stage a protest. The entire city gangs up on the family of the victim. They just "hazed" him.

The attackers eventually pled guilty, but only to misdemeanor charges.

I wish I could say that this was an isolated incident, but it's not.

This hazing isn't hazing. It's sodomy. It's rape. And there are cases of it all over the country, cases where the adults in charge sit on their hands with no explanation.  Until the perpetrators of these crimes are treated as such, until the adults in charge stop turning a blind eye, until we take this issue seriously, we are setting kids up to be victimized.

Racism isn't racism unless I can see it with my eyeballs
Sigh. I'm a little disappointed in the SCOTUS right now. They just struck down Section 4 of the VRA, saying that the maps drawn when the law was written aren't necessarily accurate anymore, so they can't be used to justify holding election procedures to a higher level of scrutiny in areas where voters had been disenfranchised in the past.

Congress could revisit the issue based on current conditions, but with a House controlled by the GOP, it's not likely to happen. What representative is going to admit that their constituents might be racist???

Not a single one, not in the current political environment, not where House members are constantly campaigning for re-election every two years in the digital age where everything they do and say is spun by the pundits.

Basically, the court said that since times have changed, and the states and counties involved might be different, the old law can no longer work. Racism might still exist, but Congress has to decide it's current racism, not old racism.  Racial issues are contentious, at best, and most of the areas that were in the news during the last election cycle because of this issue are the ones included on the map. Voters, like it or not, are still being disenfranchised, but the court basically said that Congress would have to re-evaluate the areas where there are problems to use this law again....and we all know how well Congress agrees about anything these days, let alone anything having to do with racial issues. (um, look at the immigration debacle for evidence of that...) 

You Can't Fix Stupid
Are you ready for this???

You might want to sit down.

Jodie Laubenberg, a Republican state representative in Texas authored a very restrictive bill on abortion. (and yes, Jodie is a woman)

She would like to do away with the rape exception even, one of the few things that almost everyone can agree about. The reason???

Are you sitting down?

She seems to think that women who are raped can just go the the emergency room and have a rape kit "clean her out".

BEHOLD, the rape kit abortion. 
Prevents pregnancy, and leaves you with a fresh feeling. 

Except that rape kits are for evidence collection, and will do NOTHING to prevent a pregnancy. We've almost become accustomed to asinine statements about rape and pregnancy being made by elected men, but to come from a woman?

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Amnesty International Wants Being Gay To Be Accepted In Nigeria And Africa

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

Homophobic attacks have reached dangerous levels in sub-Saharan Africa and must stop, Amnesty International has said in a report.
Goverments in Africa are everyday bring out new laws and draconian penalties to make it sure and clear that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people are criminals, the report says.
Some of African leader state that homosexuality is un-African which made the western world threaten to withdraw from any country which did not give gay people there right of freedom to be and marry

However, Amnesty said US religious groups “actively fund and promote homophobia in Africa”, while many of the laws were inherited from the colonial era
Amnesty interview
Homosexual acts are still a crime in 38 sub-Saharan African countries it said in a report titled “Making Love a Crime: Criminalisation of same-sex conduct in sub-Saharan Africa”.
There is no specific legislation outlawing homosexual acts in 12 African countries, mostly former French colonies, while gay rights are recognised in South Africa.
In the last five years, South Sudan and Burundi have introduced new laws criminalising same-sex relations, it says.
The parliaments of Uganda, Liberia and Nigeria have draft laws before them, seeking to increase penalties.
“These poisonous laws must be repealed and the human rights of all Africans upheld,” Amnesty said.
“In some African countries political leaders target sexual orientation issues to distract attention from their overall human rights records, often marked by rampant discrimination and violence against women, corruption and lack of media freedoms,” it added.
In South Africa, at least seven people, five of them lesbians, were murdered between June and November 2012 in what appears to have been targeted violence related to their sexual orientation or gender identity, the report says.
This is despite the fact that homosexual acts are not illegal in South Africa and the country boasts one of the most progressive constitutions in the world, it adds.
In many instances, media reports also inflame hostility towards people not conforming to heterosexual norms, Amnesty says.
In 2010, Uganda’s Rolling Stone magazine published a photograph of gay rights activist David Kato next to a headline reading “Hang Them”, it says.
Just a month later, he was killed in his home, although the police have denied it was a hate crime.
In Cameroon, people are regularly arrested after being denounced as being gay or lesbian because of their “appearance or conjecture, rather than evidence”, Amnesty says.
Some individuals accused of same sex conduct in Cameroon have been imprisoned for three years without trial or charge, it adds.
Former detainees from Cameroon told Amnesty that they were subjected to “invasive procedures such as forced anal exams” while in custody, the report says.
In Kenya, people told Amnesty that sometimes the police threaten to arrest them under provisions in the penal code related to same-sex relations in order to obtain a bribe, the report adds.
“Extortionists also use the existence of these laws to demand money or goods in exchange for not revealing real or even made-up private details to the media, community or police,” Amnesty said.

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